Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What's On Your Bucket List?

Here's mine:

--Be content at the time of my death that I’ve done as much as I can to have a positive impact on others and our world.

--Feel that other people have forgiven me for whatever negative stuff I might have done to them, and that I have forgiven them likewise.

--Make sure my material life is pared down and in order so that whoever has to deal with my crap after I die won’t have too hard a time of it.

--Feel somewhat certain that my daughter is going to be able to make it without me.

--Feel calm and peaceful as I face death (just as I faced childbirth, floating on the waves of inevitability).

--Find out what happens at the end of Pandora Hearts manga. :)

I don’t want to climb Mount Everest, win a Nobel Prize, or travel around the world in a hot air balloon. In a way, I wish my list could be as cut and dried as that. After all, going to a specific place on Earth seems pretty easy, but the inner work it takes to rest in a state of contentment, peace and forgiveness can be a real challenge.

But in a way, every goal is only attainable if you really want it, and really work at it. Part of my trouble in life is that I am sometimes ambivalent about what I really want, unsure if I’m just being swayed but what other people think I’m supposed to want. So I think this list is about as honest as I can be, for now.

Whatever your bucket list holds, may you fill it with checkmarks of completion, and die knowing you really lived.

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